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The semi-finalists of the Co-operators General Insurance Secondary Schools Speak Off Competition.

Speak Off competition continues to grow

In this – its fifth year, the Co-operators General Insurance Secondary Schools Speak Off Competition continues to see great interest being shown by schools.

The semi-final round of the competition got underway recently at Co-operators General’s headquarters in Collymore Rock, St. Michael.

Twelve students participated in this round and they were all hopeful to be one of the chosen eight that will make it to the November 20 finals. The day’s speakers represented the Alleyne School, The Ellerslie School, the Frederick Smith Secondary School, the Coleridge and Parry School, the Christ Church Foundation School, Princess Margaret Secondary School, Queen’s College and Springer Memorial Secondary School.

Human Resources and Marketing Manager with Co-operators General Insurance, Cheryl Forde said, “the response this year has been tremendous” to the competition. She further stated, “we don’t have a lot of returning old schools, but we have a lot of new schools coming in, new students who are really interested in the programme.”

She added unlike previous years where the topics selected were about road safety, there was a new focus this time around.

“This year we are not going to be looking at insurance questions per say. Our topics are would you legalise marijuana? Then we are also looking at ways that we can improve and put a stop to the amount of violence in the schools and in the communities.” (MG)

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