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Bishop Neil Scantlebury, the fourth Bishop of Bridgetown, addressing the congregation.

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Principal Ordaining Bishop, His Excellency Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Apostolic Nuncio to the Antilles Episcopal Conference, places the Book of the Gospels upon the heads of The Most Reverend Neil Scantlebury, who became the fourth Bishop of Bridgetown, yesterday.


First Barbadian Catholic Bishop ordained

THE Roman Catholic Church in Barbados now boasts a son of the soil at its helm.

Fifty years after he first thought of becoming a priest, Neil Sebastian Ricardo Scantlebury was installed as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgetown during an Episcopal Ordination at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, yesterday.

Barbadian Catholics were without a Bishop for three years when Bishop Jason Gordon left the Bridgetown Diocese to become the Archbishop of Port of Spain. And it was on December 28, 2020, that Pope Francis appointed Bishop Scantlebury, 55, to lead the Catholic Church in his native home.

Principal Ordaining Bishop, His Excellency Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Apostolic Nuncio to the Antilles Episcopal Conference, noted

the significance of Bishop Scantlebury’s appointment, which came when the Diocese was concluding the festive celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of its foundation. He said the 50th or Jubilee Year in the Biblical tradition is a moment of rebirth and renewal.

“Divine Providence now lays on your shoulders the charge to lead the ‘little flock’ of the Church of Bridgetown with renewed spirit into fresh pastures,” the Archbishop expressed. However, he pointed out that though Bridgetown is a small Diocese, “it could be led to excel in its pastoral zeal and apostolic witness to the Gospel”.

Archbishop Nwachukwu expressed his confidence in Bishop Scantlebury who, during his 26 years as a priest, served the Diocese of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands in several senior roles, and at the point of his selection to become Bishop was Pastor-in-charge of the Holy Family Church.

“I trust that the wealth of experience you gained during your academic and missionary sojourn in countries distant from the shores of Barbados will stand you in good stead to build upon the foundation of your predecessors and to lead the Church in Barbados to greater heights.”

Archbishop Gordon encouraged Bishop Scantlebury to “keep your priests close as Father of this family”.

“And many a Bishop have tried to go around their priests straight to the laypeople – it would be a big mistake.”

He continued, “Also, our laypeople in Barbados are incredible. They have incredible insight, talent, and they are feisty; and they bring to the Church something amazing. Core responsibility means that even if you don’t want to collaborate with them, they still have a responsibility. Keep your laypeople in deep conversation with you and with your priests.

“And our Diocese, as small as it might be, punches way above its weight when it comes to the care for the poor. Do not forget the poor, I beg you. Our work with, our journeying with and our accompanying of the poor to move from poverty to self-sufficiency has been one of the great treasures of this Church and I entrust it to you, and I ask you please in all that you do – please do not ever forget that Jesus Christ is the poor one in our midst.”

The historic occasion was filled with music, prayer, and Archbishop Nwachukwu presented the newly ordained Bishop with the Book of the Gospels, the episcopal ring, mitre and crosier before presenting him to a welcoming congregation, which included Governor General Her Excellency Dame Sandra Mason and Prime Minister the Hon. Mia Amor Mottley.

“I stand here as your Shepherd, following in the footsteps of those who have laid the foundation and started to build the kingdom of God here in Barbados,” Bishop Scantlebury declared, expressing thanks to all Archbishops, Bishops and Priests.

He also thanked his family and friends, making special mention to those from the Virgin Islands. “I want to say thank you for your love over the 26 years as a priest. It is through you and the grace of God that has helped me to be the priest that I am today. Thank you for your challenges, thank you for your care and thank you for your love.” (TL)

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