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The children of the late Donville Johnson as they delivered the Eulogy, which was led off by daughter Dr. Dionne Johnson (left), whilst daughter Lesa Ellis (centre) offered a poem in remembrance of their dad.

DLP President: Role for us all to play in shaping society

The lesson to be learnt from the life of the late Donville Lemuel Johnson who lived a life of service for the betterment of Barbados, whether it was in the civil service, in an ambassadorial position under the former administration or in giving back to others who needed his services, is that there is a role for us all to play, in shaping society.

President of the Democratic Labour Party, Verla DePeiza suggested the above, as she paid tribute to the former Deputy High Commissioner of Barbados to the United Kingdom, Deputy Chief of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission and stalwart of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), during a Service of Thanksgiving for his life, which was held at the Abundant Life Assembly yesterday.

Turning out to pay respects to the late Donville Johnson who passed away on Sunday December 29, 2019 at the age of 68, was Chief Justice of Barbados, Sir Marston Gibson; former Prime Minister of Barbados, Freundel Stuart and politicians who were in his Cabinet, members of the judiciary, representatives from the Electoral Department, members of the local business community, relatives, friends and well-wishers.

In delivering the tribute before a packed church, DePeiza spoke of Johnson’s long-standing and committed service, first to the country’s civil service and later upon his retirement, to the DLP.

“Upon his retirement, he immersed himself in the machinery of the Democratic Labour Party and he ensured we all were well trained, in how that system operated. Not only did he conduct classes at Headquarters, but if any individual candidate called on him and we did, he came readily. He also gave us tips in terms of reform and he didn’t keep the information to himself, because he shared them with the country by way of an article in the newspaper, because his commitment was not only to the Democratic Labour Party, but he was a true and utter son of the soil,” DePeiza remarked.

She added, “This manifested itself when he was called upon to shift gears slightly into an ambassadorial capacity and he became our Deputy High Commissioner to the UK in London, under the last administration.”

Besides being all business, he was also a very sociable person, DePeiza further noted. As such, there was an outpouring of support the day prior, as persons gathered at DLP Headquarters to pay their respects to their fallen comrade.

“We are going to be hard-pressed to replace him, in our hearts, in our minds and in our preparations. But he has left us with a wealth of knowledge that we will commit, not only in reforming our sown processes, but as we urge and move towards a better Barbados,” the DLP President told those gathered.

She meanwhile stated, “The lesson of his life for all of us, even though this is the political application, is that there is a role for us all to play in shaping our society and it does not matter which side or which team you chose to play on, so long as you keep that goal and that focus. That Barbados is the ultimate goal and its preparation for a world stage must start with its people.”

“So today, as we reflect on his life, I call on you to reflect on yours and how you best can add to the tapestry that he has started weaving, to create a better society for all of us,” DePeiza urged. (RSM)

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